It’s been a while since I’ve posted a note in English (sorry folks, I was busy in French with my exhibition). The subject today is appropriate; Vermont, USA, in fall.
We went to the neighboor state a few week-ends ago and it was worth the 1 hour line-up at the canadian/USA border. The colors were bright, the temperature perfect and the sun was out. For a short family trip it was perfect. Stowe was the final destination. The ideal place to bike, walk and witness the beauty of the seasons colors.
Here are a few shots I took back then. Next year, I strongly suggest you take a few days to take a peek on the other side of the border.
P.S: the beer is good, try local breweries.
Nous sommes allés au Vermont, USA, il y quelques semaines et l’heure d’Attente à la frontière entre le Canada et les États-Unis a valu le coup! Les couleurs étaient éclatantes, la température parfaite et le soleil était au rendez-vous. Stowe fut notre destination finale; l’endroit idéal pour faire de la bicyclette, de la marche et apprécier la beauté de l’automne.
Voici quelques photos prisent lors de ce week-end. Je vous suggère fortement de faire un petit saut de l’autre côté de la frontière l’automne prochain!
P.S: la bière est bonne, essayez des brasseries locales.